국제 학술대회(PSS 2025: Workshop on Post-Singularity Symbiosis@AAAI-25) 안내
2024-10-10 11:41:51
조회 530
2025년에 미국 필라델피아에서 개최되는 국제 학술대회 안내입니다. 관심 있는 분들은 아래 내용 및 관련 홈페이지(PSS 2025: 1st Workshop on Post-Singularity Symbiosis — ALIGN (aialign.net))를 참고하시어 참여 바랍니다.
PSS 2025: Workshop on Post-Singularity Symbiosis@AAAI-25
Dear Colleagues,
We are reaching out to announce a critical call for papers for the 1st
Workshop on Post-Singularity Symbiosis (PSS 2025), to be held as part
of the AAAI-25 Workshop Program on March 3 or 4, 2025, in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
<< Paper Submission Deadline - November 24, 2024 >>
The rapid advancement of AI technology brings us closer to the
potential emergence of superintelligence. While efforts to control and
align AI are crucial, we must also confront a challenging reality. In
the long term, maintaining complete control over intelligence far
surpassing our own may prove difficult.
PSS 2025 addresses this critical challenge by exploring strategies for
human-superintelligence coexistence. We aim to unite human intellect
in preparing for a future where superintelligence becomes dominant,
ensuring human survival and welfare in this radically altered world.
We've termed this preventive field of study "Post-Singularity
Symbiosis," we believe there's an urgent need to expand this research
area rapidly. The workshop focuses on three key areas:
1. Superintelligence Analysis
2. Superintelligence Guidance
3. Human Enhancement
The probability of human survival in the face of potentially
existential AI risks remains unknown. However, the smaller this
probability, the more crucial our PSS efforts become. For example,
even if the baseline chance of human survival is meager, our
well-thought-out collective efforts in PSS might sometimes have the
potential to improve this probability significantly. In an extreme
case, raising a 1% chance to 10% would mean increasing our odds of
survival tenfold.
We invite submissions from researchers, practitioners, and thinkers
across diverse fields, including AI, cognitive science, philosophy,
ethics, policy, and beyond. The scope of potential research topics in
PSS is vast and requires a wide range of expertise.
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Roman Yampolskiy, a renowned AI
safety researcher, will deliver the keynote address of the workshop.
Key Information:
- Submission Deadline: November 24, 2024
- Paper Format: Max 8/4/2 pages for full/short/extended abstract
papers, respectively (including references)
- Review Process: Single-blind
- Submission Portal: (It will be opened at OpenReview soon; see the
workshop portal site below.)
This workshop represents a unique and vital opportunity to contribute
to shaping humanity's future in an era of superintelligence. We
strongly encourage you to share your insights and join us in this
crucial dialogue.

번호 |
제목 |
글쓴이 |
등록일 |
조회수 |
>> | 국제 학술대회(PSS 2025: Workshop on Post-Singu... | 방은찬 | 2024.10.10 | 531 |
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